# Introduction

Vue JSON Schema Form library uses JSON presented in a JSON Schema Standard to generate an input form and update provided data model.

# Installation

npm install --save @roma219/vue-jsonschema-form

# Usage

<JsonSchema :schema="schema" v-model="dataModel"/>

# JSON Schema

Schema should follow JSON Schema Standard. Root shema type should be object.

# Props

Prop Name Value Type Description
schema object JSON Schema
ui-schema object UI Schema
value object Data model object
components array Custom Components
wrapper object Custom Wrapper Component

# Events

Event Name Emitted Value Type Description
input object Emitted on every data change. The argument is updated data model object (:value prop).
init-default object Initial data model object generated with default values provided in schema. Usefull when you have an empty data model at the start. See example.
validated boolean Emitted on every validation status change. true - data model is valid, false - data model is not valid. Usefull when you need to have some indicator of form validity, for example to disable Save button.

# Built-in Components

This is the list of built-in components and corresponding JSON Schema blocks. If you want to use different (your own or some UI kit) components, see Custom Components.

# String Input

    type: 'string'

# Number Input

    type: 'number'

# Boolean Input

    type: 'boolean'

# Select

    enum: ['option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3']

# Object

    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        a: { type: 'string' },
        b: { type: 'number' }

# Array Of Objects

    type: 'array',
    items: {
        type: 'object',
        properties: {
            a: { type: 'string' },
            b: { type: 'number' }

# UI Schema

UI Schema is an optional schema which can provide additional UI features that cannot be implemented via regular JSON Schema, such as using specific UI Component.

// schema
    type: 'object',
    properties: {
        a: {
            type: 'string',
            enum: ['option 1', 'option 2', 'option 3']

// ui schema
    properties: {
        a: {
            uiType: 'radio'

# Custom Components

You can use custom input components with Vue JSON Schema Form. Component is selected for rendering a piece of schema by checking the matcher parameter.

# Requirements

  • Each component should be globally registered in Vue
  • Each component should have a prop value to receive corresponding value
  • Each component should emit an event on every value change

# Usage

<JsonSchema :schema="schema" v-model="dataModel" :components="componentsConfig"/>

Custom Components config is provided via components prop to JsonSchema component. components should be an array containing each component's config.

# Component Config Structure

Component is mapped to JSON Schema piece by using either of the following parameters: matcher, uiSchemaMatcher, contains.

Parameter Value Type Required Default Description
matcher object no - Object that should be contained in parameter's schema piece
uiSchemaMatcher object no - Object that should be contained in property's UI Schema piece. Used if matcher is not provided. See matchers for built-in components.
contains string no - Name of the parameter that should be present in a parameter's schema piece. Used if matcher and uiSchemaMatcher are not provided.
componentName string yes TextInput Name of the Vue component
eventName string no input Name of the event that is gonna be emitted on each value change
props function no - Function that should return an object, that will be bound as props to component. Usefull when you want to provide additional data to component from schema.
(propName, schema, uiSchema) => ({ ... })

See example here.

# Custom Wrapper Component

<JsonSchema :schema="schema" v-model="dataModel" :wrapper="wrapperComponentConfig"/>

Each schema component is rendered inside a wrapper component. By default it displays property title and possible validation errors. You can provide your own wrapper. The only requirment is that it should contain a <slot> where actual input component will be displayed. props function is optional and should return an object which will be passed downs as props to each wrapper component. This is default wrapper component config:

    componentName: 'InputWrapper',
    props: (propName, schema, uiSchema) => ({
        title: schema.title || schema.title === '' ? schema.title : propName,
        disabled: uiSchema && uiSchema.disabled,
        vertical: schema.type === 'object' || schema.type === 'array'

See example here.